Build strong, positive relationships with your children.
Bring Up Great Kids Parenting After Family Violence program helps parents and carers of children who have experienced family violence to:
- Understand how family violence affects parent’s relationships with their children
- Learn about how parenting is affected by family violence and how to overcome these impacts in order to feel more confident and effective as parents
- Learn about brain development in children and how this influences their thoughts, feelings and behaviour
- Understand the meaning behind behaviours and how to respond to children’s underlying feelings and needs
- Discover ways parents and carers can take care of themselves and find help when needed
- Learn about your own parenting wisdom, strength and courage
Date: 30 May – 4 July (6 consecutive Thursdays)
Time: 10 am- 1 pm
Address: Livable – 11 Kemp Street
Cost: FREE
Refreshments provided. Childcare provided.
Livable Family and Relationship Services is funded by the Dept. of Social Services.