Discover how you can connect with your family.

We’ve partnered with Northern Rivers Community Gateway to explore weekly topics to unite your family.

Week 1 -Child Development
Have you ever wanted to know how or why your child does things?  This week we will explore the inner working of your child’s brain

Week 2- Play  all the Fun stuff
We all know that play is fun but is it important?  This week we will discover why play is so significant for our child’s future and how we can support them.

Week 3- Who’s in charge? Me or my emotions?
Emotions!!! Love them. Hate them.  We all have them and sometimes they get the better of us.  This week we talk about how we can take charge of our emotions and control them in stressful times.

Week 4- How to bounce back.
What happens when things don’t go to plan? How do we as parents approach problem solving and not let problems completely derail us and ruin our day?

Week 5- Health and Wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing are words we hear spoken all the time but what do they mean and what can I do today to improve mine and my child’s?

Week 6– Staying connected
Let’s discuss the how’s and why’s of social connections. Why are they important to me and to my children?

Date: 10 – 31 May & 7 – 14 June 2023 (6 consecutive Wednesdays)
Time: 12:30 – 2 pm
Address: Livable – 11 Kemp Street Grafton NSW
Cost: FREE

Refreshments provided. Free childcare is available.

Livable’s Family and Relationship Services are funded by the Dept. of Social Services.



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